I have a new favorite place to be. The kind of space that makes you just feel happy with life. You're glad when you arrive there and feel energized when you leave.
Here's why:
A local coffee company,
Oak Cliff Coffee, just recently open up a coffee shop here on Davis St. They've been around for awhile, rocking the wholesale coffee world. All of us Oak Cliff Coffee fans and followers have been anxiously waiting for the opening of their first (and most probably, only) coffee shop - Davis St. Espresso.
So here's the deal. This isn't your average coffee shop. They're doing a few things
1. No Wifi or plugs for computers. I couldn't believe this when I heard it! Reason? Go to their coffee shop to talk to other humans instead of being GLUED TO A SCREEN! Guilty, anyone?
*raises hand*
2. No to-go cups - only for-here mugs (you can bring your own cup, though). When I heard this on the first day, I was thinking NO WAY! How will I ever survive?? What about when I need coffee in a
They have chosen to do this for the same reason as #1- trying to get you to slow down and enjoy the coffee with others instead of always consuming in a hurry on your way to the next thing. (I've discovered that bringing your own thermos in emergency situations is, in fact, not that difficult.)
3. Only open 6am-11am Tuesday- Friday, 7am-2pm Sat. This one I'm not sold on- I want to go there 24/7. Probably for the best that their hours aren't more abundant- saves me money.
So, at about the 1 week mark of the shop being opened, I had already been there,
ahem, approximately 8 times (mainly for work, you know, gotta have those meetings!). I can't stay away. Something about the place is contagious and addicting. I love #1 and #2 now. At first, it made me all kinds of uncomfortable because it was 'different' - interesting how quickly my mind was changed. The concept that they have, though totally counter-cultural, actually works! They wanted to create a place for people to come hang out with other people and enjoy an awesome cup of coffee, and that's what it has become.
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Van Buren |
I haven't even talked about the coffee yet, what is wrong with me! It's so amazing, so good, so delicious! They have a
steam punk coffee maker where they brew your coffee to order. And then there's the espresso. :-D Best cappuccino around, I would say, definitely gives Oddfellows a run for it's money (I just felt blasphemous... Should I take it back? Okay, no more comparisons to Oddfellows!) But if you really want to get the whole coffee experience, order the
Van Buren. It's a Cortado with a glass of mineral water and a little biscotti, all served on this cute brown tray. It's ascetically pleasing and a perfect mix of espresso and milk.
When I went to Davis St. Espresso on their Grand Opening day, I saw 5-10 people I knew from the neighborhood. The owner knew me by name and said hello. Then I overheard him chatting with another fellow about how he
walked to pick-up the donuts that morning. Something stirred inside me. I've loved Oak Cliff since we moved here, but now, even more so.
WALKED! I know I'm sounding like a crazy person, but I feel like I have moved to the coolest-urban-small-town-thing
ever. I love that every single time I've gone back to the coffee shop, I've bumped into someone else I know, and that the baristas are the same two guys every time, and they know me too. There's something so right about that.
P.S. I blame this coffee shop for my recent high-consumption of caffeine. Sorry to all those inspired by my "I'm quitting coffee" campaign a little while back. How the mighty have fallen.